L’Annuario statistico italiano offre di anno in anno un articolato ritratto dell’Italia e della sua evoluzione, favorendo una lettura integrata dei fenomeni in atto. Con il suo apparato di informazioni e metadati, l’Annuario costituisce per esperti, policy maker e cittadini un importante strumento per orientarsi all’interno dell’offerta di dati e fonti.
Healthcare and Health chapter
Over the past five years, acute hospital discharges have continued to decline, despite an aging population. However, the reduction in hospitalizations proceeds at a decreasing pace (-4.3 per cent between 2012 and 2013 and about -3 per cent in the following years) indicating a progressive stabilization of the phenomenon.
The phenomenon of voluntary abortion continues to decrease: the rate of recourse to voluntary abortion in 2015 remains among the lowest in Europe and equal to 6.4 cases per thousand women aged between 15 and 49 years . In 2014, 598,670 people died in Italy, 66.0 per cent from diseases of the circulatory system and tumours. Between 15 and 29 years, 58 per cent of male deaths occur from causes of a violent nature against the
In 2014, 4,147 people committed suicide, men in more than three out of four cases. In the last two years the trend is still decreasing and the value of rates has returned to the levels of 2009-2010.
In 2016, 70.1 per cent of Italians gave a positive opinion on their state of health, although 39.1 per cent stated that they were suffering from at least one chronic disease.
The eating habits of Italians remain tied to the traditional model: lunch is in most cases the main meal (two thirds of the population aged 3 and over) and 81.7 per cent of the population aged 3 and over does a breakfast that can be described as “adequate”. The share of the population aged 14 and over who declares smoking (19.8 per cent) was stable compared to 2015.
Italians and drugs
According to Istat, 41.4 % of the population used drugs in the two days preceding the interview. These are mostly women (45.6% against 37% for men).
And consumer shares increase with age. For both sexes, half of the population is reached by the age of 55. Up to reaching, over the age of 75, 90.3% among women and 88.9% among men.
ISTAT – Capitolo 4 Sanità e Salute