
ISTAT. In June 2018 on June 2017 industrial production of pharmaceuticals +11.8%

In June 2018, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to increase by 0.5% compared to May. On average in the second quarter, the level of production remains unchanged compared to the previous quarter.

The seasonally adjusted monthly index shows cyclical growth in the capital goods segments (+1.4%) and, to a lesser extent, consumer goods (+0.5%) and intermediate goods (+0.1%); a negative variation was instead recorded in energy (-0.7%).

Adjusted for calendar effects, in June 2018 the index increased in trend terms by 1.7% (working days were 21 as in June 2017). On average for the first six months, production grew by 2.6% on an annual basis.

In June 2018, the indices adjusted for calendar effects recorded a broad growth trend for capital goods (+5.4%); the increase for consumer goods (+1.2%) and intermediate goods (+0.4 %) is more contained, while the energy sector decreases (-3.9%).

The sectors of economic activity that recorded the greatest trend growth are mining (+12.5%), the production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (+11.8%) and the manufacture of means of transport (+7.1%). The greatest decreases were instead recorded in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (-8.6%), in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air (-6.5%) and in the wood, paper and printing industry (- 4,2%).

Full text and methodological note

ISTAT press release – Publication date 2 August 2018

Industrial production of pharmaceutical products

June 2018, cyclical and trend percentage changes (base 2015=100)

Seasonally adjusted data

Short-term percentage changes

Jun 18/May 18: +6,5%

Apr 18-Jun 18/ Jan 18-Mar 18: +3,8%

Data corrected for calendar effects

Trend percentage changes

Jun 18/Jun 17: +11,8%

Jan-Jun 18/Jan-Jun 17: +8,1%

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Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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