The day of the turtle
One ordinary December morning you leave the house slamming the door, face the road, the usual road, perhaps a little more desolate than usual, target a turtle you would like to invest, and you find yourself catapulted into a world you don't expect. Thus the protagonist of the story, Lucio, middle-aged, indolent and cynical, finds himself on an absurd but real journey, with an upward path, often painful. His story intersects with Asia, an overwhelming girl, with very high erotic tension, who fits into a play of light and shadow, always taking him beyond her borders. Even at work, everything gets complicated because Lucio, a medical informant, has to deal with the sharks of his company, which are as dangerous and realistic as ever. Reality, after all, is the leitmotif, the perception that accompanies the reader throughout the pages. Where alive, dazzling characters live, full of contradictions and fears, which stain the imagination of those who immerse themselves in the story, and hear them breathe, suffer, exult and cry, participating, siding with them, with emotion. Without claiming to solve anything, but always telling something, something that can remain in the belly of the reader, which can also make you think. This is how places also flow and live, with so many corners of an enchanted Sardinia, intensely colored by moods. Environments that you seem to know, where you find yourself magically. Don't look for ready-made solutions, they don't exist in real life. If anything, we try to save ourselves at least a little, trying to discover what is deep inside ourselves.
Pier Bruno Cosso was born in 1956 in Sassari, where he has always lived, by choice, for an indissoluble bond with his land. After a youthful but intense experience as a practicing journalist, he has been working as a scientific medical informant for an important pharmaceutical multinational for almost thirty years. Reading, but above all writing, has always been his indispensable spiritual accompaniment. Over the years he has published several short stories, an anthology of poems with other authors, and several articles in local periodicals. His most recent passion is running, and the marathons he can't live without anymore. After all, even in running, as in writing, you need to know how to dig inside yourself to understand how you really are inside. Even in running, in fact, you have to put all your self-denial into it, an iron discipline, and an unceasing passion with always lots and lots of effort. Where perhaps emotions, kilometers and words meet…