Registration Fedaiisf federated associations

It is possible to register by making the payment by bank transfer, by contacting preferably the section you belong to, if any, in your province of residence or work (look for the section in the entry Territory on the site), for those who cannot find the section in their working province or residence, choose another one present in the region or choose "Section absent" in the registration form.

ATTENTION the Iban and the membership fee to make the transfer are associated with the section therefore BE CAREFUL WHEN CHOOSING THE SECTION. Choose the section first and then make the transfer keeping in evidence the reference code of the transfer which will be entered further down in the appropriate box. You can find some FEDAIISF services reserved for members here.

For the renewal and registration proceed with this form.



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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco