A project to fight arterial hypertension starts from Cardarelli in Naples. The «Dieciannidivitainpiù» initiative will involve 3,750 patients and will make use of a contribution from AIFA of 180,000 euros. The prevention and therapeutic education campaign will last 18 months and involves the participation of 250 family doctors. The project was presented by the Director General of the Neapolitan hospital, Enrico Iovino and, among others, by Cardarelli specialists Maria D'Avino, head of the Center for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension and Domenico Caruso, head of Internal Medicine. "It is a project - said Iovino - which provides for close collaboration between Cardarelli and family doctors". al. gr.
Il Mattino of 02/27/2009 ed. NATIONAL p. 42
«Ten years of life more», Sannio pole of prevention
Hypertension, Benevento health care is accredited as a pole of excellence for prevention thanks to the therapeutic program "Dieciannidivitainpiù", officially presented yesterday at the "Cardarelli" in Naples but in fact already operational since 2007 in the Samnite capital, where 660 patients were involved, all over fifty-five years old. The program aims to lengthen and improve the life prospects of hypertensive patients, making them aware of the role of a correct lifestyle. Aifa (Italian Medicines Agency) will finance it with 180,000 euros. Started in the preliminary phase since 2004, in 2006 the project was tested on a sample of Tunisian patients as part of the international cooperation activity between the Cardarelli hospital and the Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis. Then, "in 2007 - explained Enrico Iovino, general manager of Cardarelli - thanks to the funding and availability of the Benevento medical association, the Sannium Medica cooperative, the Ippocrate cooperative, Medical 2000 and the UODS of metabolic diseases of the "Rummo" hospital in Benevento, the experience was transferred from the hospital to the territory". The results obtained with the Samnite patients, explained Dr. Marinella D'Avino, «have made it possible to perfect the project which is divided into various phases. We have noticed that for patients who are part of the so-called intervention groups, ie those who have periodic meetings, the average pharmaceutical cost has dropped by 3 euros a month. For patients in the so-called control group, only under pharmaceutical control, the cost fell by 1 euro».
Il Mattino of 02/27/2009 ed. BENEVENTO p. 33