The amendment to the Maneuver containing the Health Pact is therefore arriving at Deputies, where it is highly anticipated because the coverage of other measures presented by the Government and still firm in the Budget Commission depends indirectly on it. "The approval of the Health Pact - underlines the Minister for Regional Affairs Raffaele Fitto, leaving the State-Regions Conference - is the result of a very intense work", which tried to find the balance "between different needs. We mediated on many points – he assures us – on some we have found a compromise". On the pharmaceutical 'node', one of the most controversial in the confrontation between the Government and the Regions, any doubts "will be clarified - Fitto assures - by a technical table that will quickly address the issue". And on the doubts in question raised by the Regions, who hoped for an extension of the discount on pharmaceuticals, worth 800 million euros, which they have not received at the moment, "the resources – assures Fitto – are there: there is no problem in this sense".
DoctorNews – 4 December 2009 – Year 7, Number 205