Understanding Fedaiisf - Confconsumatori

La Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco ha siglato un protocollo d’intesa per l’assistenza dei propri soci

Foggia/Parma, 17/03/2017 – Mara Colla, president of Confconsumatori, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Fedaiisf – Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Representatives, represented by Dr. Antonio Mazzarella, by virtue of which information and assistance services on consumer matters will be offered to all Fedaiisf members.

For the association, this is a precious new collaboration: Fedaiisf is an organization for the representation and protection of scientific representatives of the drug, which aims to promote and protect the interests of the members in all locations, promote dialogue and comparison with the political and social parties in order to improve the quality of life, health education and the image of the category.

Through the protocol signed between the two organizations, Confconsumatori will provide consultancy and assistance services mainly in the field of:

Under the agreement reached – declares the President Mara Colla – Fedaiisf members can contact the specific desk activated by Confconsumatori to obtain information and telephone advice. Furthermore, members who wish to do so will receive the monthly newsletter from Confconsumatori, to be continuously informed of their rights and how to enforce them.

Fedaiisf members will be eligible FOR FREE Of


To take advantage of the services offered to Fedaiisf members by Confconsumatori è IT IS MANDATORY TO RETURN THE REGISTRATION FORM filled in and signed at the desk that Confconsumatori has specifically activated for Fedaiisf


Tel. 391.3370539 (Tuesdays and Saturdays from 16.00 to 18.00)

E-mail: fedaiisf.confconsumatori@gmail.com

Fax to 1782758306

Registration form Confconsumatori Fedaiisf


"Laws alone are not enough, we need citizens who know how to use them, who know how to make use of their rights"

Biagio Morelli, founder of Confconsumatori, May 1966

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