On the sidelines of the approval of the bill (AC 1972) converting the decree-law of 29 November 2008, n. 18, containing urgent measures to support families, work, employment and business and to redesign the national strategic framework in an anti-crisis manner, Sen. De Lillo (PDL) presented a question relating to the agreement of the pharmaceutical table of 15 October 2008. The question highlighted that recent indiscretions signal the possibility of including among the measures envisaged by the agreement a further differentiation in favor of generic drugs, which introduces a mandatory differential between 1 euro and 50 and 2 euro to be placed between the price of the originator drug and the generic for a period of 12 months from the expiry date of the patent. In this regard, Sen. De Lillo asked to know if the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Policies did not deem it appropriate to intervene to confirm what had already been agreed by the pharmaceutical table.
Source: "www.farmacista33"