Legislature 17 Inspection Syndicate Act n° 4-00480
Act No. 4-00480
Published on 3 July 2013, in session no. 56
SCILIPOTS– To the Ministers of Economic Development, Labor and Social Policies and Health. –
Given that:
In recent years, the Italian pharmaceutical industry has fired around 15,000 drug sales representatives (ISFs) despite the fact that the sector is among the most productive at a time of generalized economic crisis. This has led to a real attack on social safety nets, subtracting vital resources to support the income of workers excluded from the production cycle of companies operating in sectors that are truly in crisis;
the questioner has already denounced these abuses to the Chamber of Deputies with direct and specific inspection documents dated 22 December 2009 (4-05571), dated 22 January 2010 (4-05835), dated 31 March 2010 (4-06677), dated 22 November 2010 (4-09630), dated 8 February 2011 (4- 10775) and on 10 August 2011 (4-12921), specifically with reference to the bankruptcy of Marvecspharma;