
Food supplements: an expanding market worth 2.5 billion euros

The industry records positive results in terms of revenues, employment and exports. Today in Milan the results of the first Observatory of the food supplement chain launched by FederSalus were presented.

Of Aboutpharma Online editorial staff – January 29, 2016 – ABOUTPHARMA

INTEGRATORIFood supplements are now worth over 2.5 billion euros, of which 92.1% sold in pharmacies, and represent the second market share after the ethical drug with growth in the last year of almost 9% which exceeds self-medication. It is the scenario described by first investigation of the FederSalus Study Centre on the Italian supply chain of food supplements which involved 108 of the 162 member companies.

In the last year – explains the association – around 183 million packs were sold. Industrial revenues exceed one billion euros, employment has grown by 51% in the last year, in contrast to the crisis, 58% has increased foreign turnover and overall the share of exports is equal to 18.6% of the value of production.

“It is a very in-depth photograph – explains FederSalus in a press release – that emerged from the survey, the first chapter of a series of analyzes that will be promoted by the new Study Centre. The information obtained from the companies associated with FederSalus is statistically very significant and representative of the entire sector of production and distribution of food supplements. The mapping, designed in this way, allows you to better frame the state of health of the sector and confirms the usefulness of the strategic projects planned for the growth of the association. For example, the close correlation between the internationalization of companies and the growth of their turnover confirms the importance of specific activities in support of SMEs, which have already started with the collaboration with Bologna Fiere”. NUCE Health World Expo is the new internationalization program in partnership between FederSalus and Bologna Fiere, an international circuit dedicated to companies in the sector wishing to develop a presence in foreign markets. The first stage will be held on 17 and 18 March in Bologna. Then it will continue during 2016 in the other venues of the circuit: Las Vegas, New York and Hong Kong.

THEThe Italian supplement market is the largest in Europe and, from what emerges from the observatory, the prospects for the future continue to be positive. FederSalus is implementing "visioning" projects to help companies deal with and, where possible, anticipate current and future changes. "Thanks to a partnership with KPMG - adds FederSalus - the associated companies will have the opportunity to be protagonists of a project aimed at creating a shared vision on the key trends in the food supplements sector, thus being able to proactively face new market scenarios" .

Second Marco Fiorani, president of FederSalus, "the integrator now plays a leading role in the healthcare sector, but moves within a regulatory framework that is still immature and not very representative of the reality of supply and demand, which requires clear but also consistent with the nature and intended use of the products”. The evidence from the FederSalus Study Center "will be a very important tool for improving the awareness of decision makers in this direction", concludes Fiorani.


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