Positive trend for sales of food supplements in Italy: the data referring to the rolling year ending in January 2013 indicate that in the past 12 months 141 million packs were sold (+3.1% compared to the previous year) for a total value of Euro 1,915.5 million, a number up by 2.9% compared to the previous 12 months. The 'favorite' products of the Italians are mainly lactic ferments, weight control supplements, saline, multivitamin and systemic hair supplements, purchased mainly in pharmacies (111.2 million packs).
This is the balance drawn up by FederSalus, the most representative association in the food supplement sector in Italy with 140 member companies. Italians also seem not to disdain the purchase of these products in super and hypermarkets where 22.5 million packs have been sold in the last 12 months (+14.7% compared to the previous year). On the other hand, purchases from parapharmacies decreased with 7.5 million packs (-4% compared to the previous year). However, the 10% of consumers declares to have limited purchases also in the area of supplements to optimize expenses and plans to further reduce their consumption in the future.
"In 2012, the supplements sector confirmed the growth trend in turnover (+2.7%), which however is at decidedly lower levels than in the past - comments Riccardo Bruno, Nielsen Client Executive - The economic crisis certainly affects this trend, however there are markets that, compared to this average, bring home more than positive results".
"Research - comments Marco Fiorani, President of FederSalus - confirms consumer confidence in support of the positive prospects for the sector. However, today we find ourselves in an unprecedented and complex context. The economic crisis, which has begun to make its effects felt even in our sector after years of growth, is joined by an unprecedented aggressiveness of the regulatory framework which poses a series of unknowns to businesses and consumers. For example, the indications for use of plant-based products,