
Innovation-self-employment: the Aurora Biofarma model

Aurora Biofarma MeetingPending the approval of the law decree on self-employment, the pharmaceutical company is launching an innovative health and insurance protection plan with the 90% of voluntary participation. Aurora Biofarma is the first Italian company in the pharmaceutical sector to launch an innovative insurance protection plan for self-employed workers who make up the external network of Medical Scientific Representatives and Sales Agents located throughout Italy, equating social benefits to the same as internal employees working in the Milan office.

While awaiting the parliamentary discussion of the decree law on self-employment approved by the Government, the pharmaceutical group announces the achievement of the 90% of voluntary subscriptions to the insurance/health plan launched at the beginning of 2016 and aimed at over 170 drug sales representatives and agents employed by the company.

Coverage for accidents at work, up to cases of permanent disability and death, as well as a health policy aimed at covering diagnostics and health care charges, up to a ceiling of 2000 euros for services limited in some cases by the National Health System. This is the formula adopted by Aurora Biofarma.

LThe proposal, negotiated by the company and the insurance company with collective numbers, was addressed to the entire team of Agents with the possibility of joining on a voluntary basis, including an independent contribution.

The free adhesion to the package of protections was welcomed with enthusiasm by the Isfs of the group, approaching the totality of the positive responses.

The Aurora model was made possible by the agreement established between the company and Axa, the world's leading brand in insurance protection.

"Our initiative aims to be a measure of social justice towards all those people who today are not guaranteed by collective agreements and are considered second-class workers" - declares the managing director Nicola Di Trapani - "The Aurora Biofarma model is a concrete answer to this issue and the company, if it were useful, makes itself available to participate in round tables and meetings with companies, associations and sector experts".

My Company – 02/16/2016

Related news: Law on self-employment: what's about to change

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