Pharmaceutical industry, over 25,000 companies in Italy: Naples fourth with 821 businesses

Last days of the campaign on the European Medicines Agency (EMA). There are 25,000 companies in the sectors involved in Italy including pharmaceutical, biomedical and biotech, with 165,000 employees and 33 Risultati immagini per ema milano candidaturabillion in turnover, according to data from the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi. In September 2017 companies continue to grow, for the third consecutive year.

About half of the national pharmaceutical business is concentrated in the Lombard capital (about ten billion). Most of these are companies engaged in the biomedical sector, with 18,000 national companies in the manufacture of medical instruments, of which over 3,000 in Lombardy and over a thousand in Milan.

There are also 4,000 research and experimental development companies in the field of biotechnology and natural sciences, of which 849 in Lombardy and 482 in Milan. Finally, pharmaceutical manufacturing with 755 national companies, of which 319 in Lombardy and 247 in Milan.

In terms of employees, first Milan with 33,000, then Monza with almost 5,000 and Varese, almost 4,000. Almost 3,000 employees in Bergamo, around 2,500 in Como, around 2,200 in Brescia. While in Italy, first for companies in Rome (2,099), then Milan (2,064), Turin (1,189), Naples (821), Bari (662), Florence (603). For employees first Milan with 33 thousand, then Rome with 15 thousand, Belluno with 11 thousand, Florence with over 7 thousand, Latina with 6 thousand, Turin with 5 thousand.

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