Historical Archive


 Merck-Serono Italiana is born. With the signing of the deed of merger by incorporation of Merck Pharma into Industria Farmaceutica Serono, Merck Serono spa was born which will bring together all the activities previously carried out in our country by the German Merck and the Swiss Serono.
The new company will have over 650 employees divided between the three research centers in Ivrea (Turin), Guidonia Montecelio and Ardea (Rome), the production center in Bari and the management offices in via Casilina in the capital. With the production plant and the three research centres, Merck Serono aims to become a «pole of excellence» on the Italian territory. The Unit of 07/11/2007 ed. NATIONAL p. 16


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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco