CASTELFRANCO – Reduce pharmaceutical expenditure and prevent patients residing here from going elsewhere for treatment. These are the first two objectives of Bortolo Simoni, the new director general of Ulss 8, who met the local press for the first time yesterday afternoon.
"If a patient makes the choice to be treated outside his ULSS, he makes a choice, but if he is forced to, I consider it a pathology - explained Simoni - For this reason, mobility is one of the priority issues for me".
From his point of view, one can do more on pharmaceutical spending, spending less.
«With 140 euros of annual expenditure per inhabitant – he said – our company is just above the Veneto average. This is an aspect to attack and resolve. First of all, we need to work with family doctors on the prescription front, or with the direct distribution of the drug - he said - If a patient goes to the pharmacy with the red prescription, he pays 100% of the price of the drug. If instead (speaking of people who have just been discharged or who have chronic diseases that need to be treated continuously) there is direct distribution from the hospital to pharmacies, it is possible to charge the 50%».
Now the figures at the top of Ulss 8 could change: the medical director, Paola Corziali, the administrative director, Mario Po', and the manager of the social sector, Gianluigi Bianchin, could have to give way to others. "Nothing has yet been decided on the appointments - explained Simoni - The appointments of any replacements will take place in no earlier than a month".