India is the world's largest exporter of generic medicines. This was assured by the Minister for Chemistry and Fertilizers Srikanta Jena, who spoke at the opening of three shops specializing in equivalent medicines in Oressa. For years committed to making the generics sector its strong point, India now leads the ranking of exporting countries of these products: according to Jena - as reported by PharmaTimes - in 2008-2009 the turnover was equal to eight billions of dollars, with a flow mainly towards Europe and the United States, but which includes over 200 nations from all over the world. The Indian pharmaceutical industry, assures the minister, is now ready to create 500,000 new jobs and to ensure that the population has increased access to generic medicines, including against malaria and tuberculosis. An ad hoc information campaign has also been launched to make Indians understand that equivalents are as effective as designer medicines. Lastly, India has an exceptional partner, China. The Minister of Health of the People's Republic, Chen Zhu, has in fact assured that the country will welcome Indian companies, since they will be able to contribute positively to the health reform planned in the coming years.
Pharmacist33 – 15 March 2010 – Year 6, Number 46