The growth of the global pharmaceutical market will resume from 2013. This is the estimate of Ims Health, according to which the United States, Japan and Europe are destined to no longer dominate the sector. The 'farm-emerging' countries are in fact those that boast a constant expansion and threaten the western supremacy of the sector. The crisis in production and tax collection - notes the company specializing in the analysis of the pharmaceutical market - will impact on healthcare budgets and will favor more aggressive cost containment. The launches of new medicines will not compensate for the turnover lost with the arrival of generic versions, especially in primary care. The order of importance of national markets will also change significantly: from 2014 Italy will drop from fifth place in 2004 and from sixth in 2009 to seventh. Preceded by the United States, Japan, China, Germany, France and Brazil. Ims Health also offers a focus on the pediatric segment, which covers 4% of the Italian territorial pharmaceutical market and 1.1% of the hospital market. The products used by paediatricians, in the first and second cases, cost respectively 25 and 27% less than the average.
(BDC – Pharmakronos – January 24, 2011)
It slows down the growth of the market
Datamonitor, only +1.3% per year up to 2015
The global pharmaceutical market will grow by just 1.3% per year through 2015, according to Datamonitor research. Bad news for companies in the sector, which from 2003 to 2009 benefited from an average annual growth of 7.1%. Datamonitor surveyed 43 drug companies. Bayer, Novartis, Roche and GlaxoSmithKline are the ones that will generate above-average growth in the analyzed period. On the other hand, sharp declines are forecast for eleven other industries. The main reason, according to the specialized company, is the expiration of patents on important medicines.
"The difficulty of producing new medicines, particularly those capable of generating sufficient sales to compensate for the expiration of commercial protection on blockbusters, is the main problem," said Simon King, pharmaceutical analyst at Datamonitor. "This – he continues – has led to a diversification