Historical Archive

Immunology. Janssen Italia's academic training course for 16 scientific representatives is underway

The Technical-Scientific Commission (Cts) of AIFA has concluded a first revision of the pharmaceutical handbook, i.e. the list of medicines that are reimbursed by the State, according to what is established by the so-called Balduzzi decree: the provision desired by the former Minister of Health in fact provided that , by 30 June, Aifa proceeded with an extraordinary revision of the national formulary, placing the drugs considered therapeutically outdated in band C.

And the Cts, according to Pharmakronos, completed the requested work on time. For the official presentation of the new handbook, however, a discussion with stakeholders, such as institutions and representatives of the pharmaceutical supply chain, is expected.

Among the novelties of the decree in the pharmaceutical field there was also a provision which provided for the immediate availability of innovative drugs in our country. The mechanism is as follows: all drugs approved with a centralized European procedure or mutual recognition and considered innovative, are automatically included in range C, therefore for payment by the patient.

This is unless the manufacturing company submits a request for placement in the ranges of medicines reimbursable by the national health system.

BDC – July 3, 2013 – PharmaKronos






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