Dear friends, colleagues and readers of this site, after the sporadic news that appeared on the web relating to the meetings between the OOSS and the employers' side relating to the renewal of the CCNL in our sector, there has recently been a strange silence on the progress of the meetings and the topics covered. with particular reference to those aspects relating to scientific representatives. Silence even more menacing and disturbing given the total lack of knowledge on the issues in question and the lack of involvement of the isfs in the contractual offices and as a party to the case.
An important survey on the Informatori.it website published in this period shows that over 97 % of the informants who took part in this survey are not aware of the issues in question and have not been consulted in any way by the Unions
Given the past dangers run by the category always thwarted at the last moment and given the total incapacity of the unions to face the employment crisis of the isf by setting a serious limit to the transfers or divestments of isf and instead giving birth like an elephant the notorious Welafarma gives birth to a mouse, the fears expressed more or less strongly by our category are more understandable and shareable than ever. The rumors that reach the sector then, which see a very broad trade union openness to an increasingly commercial drift of the ISF also expressed in trade union and employers' press releases, can only create bewilderment and fear among the ISFs.
We hope for an immediate and definitive clarification of these issues with a serious return to the value and quality of scientific information now abandoned by companies in favor of a commercial exasperation reviled by doctors and the regions. Let's hope that next Christmas we won't find bitter surprises under the tree.
Best wishes to everyone
Umberto Alderisi