Monday, September 10, 2012
by Paolo Fallico
When we pointed out to Minister Renato Balduzzi, owner of the Ministry of Health, who is now almost a star, he smiled. He was posing next to a curly-haired gentleman in front of the latter's wife's camera lens. Politics as entertainment? Maybe. But at the party of the Democratic Party, in the large park of Piazza d'Armi, the comedy has just been staged: "Of laments and promises", a one-act play. Rich in pathos, noble intentions, anxieties and opportune reassurances, and based on the ancient art of the stalest political rhetoric: that of mediation at any cost.
Partly out of tradition and ingrained habit, technical or not, whether it's the government in office, partly out of necessity. And because, let's face it, it shouldn't be easy to navigate between the different needs, sometimes bordering on irreconcilable and even beyond, of the "strange", anomalous majority on which the executive led by Mario Monti rests. Banker by vocation, professor by passion and head of government for the occasion.
Let's hope it's the good one; if nothing else, it comforts us that after Berlusconi's disaster nothing will be as before (fortunately).
The play on the stage of the democratic party has just finished, the evening of this eight September 2010 is warm and cheerful. No proclamations from radio Algiers with the voice of Eisenhower, nor from Rome with that of Badoglio, above all no armistices, like on that other eighth of September, that of '43.
Balduzzi says it clearly to the notebook of "Nuovasocietà": "I think we will be able to maintain the good level of our health care, what we are doing today will be useful for the future".
Yes, minister, but the Pd regional councilor, Boeti; the CGIL secretary, Canta and the president of the National Federation of Doctors on stage pressed her on the question of cuts and funding…..
«There will be no other cuts, we are at the limit, but we must find agreements with the Regions to rationalize spending. There is still waste and mismanagement of resources, even in virtuous Regions, a more prudent use of current resources is needed also in