The new Order would complement those of nurses and midwives. The proposal comes from the two order presidents (nurses and doctors) and new Pd senators, Silvestro and Bianco and from Pdl senator D'Ambrosio Lettieri who presented his own bill. In the third proposal, signed by Bianconi (Gal), three distinct orders are envisaged for the health professions. Rules also for doctors, pharmacists and nurses. Here are the texts: Sylvester-White, D'Ambrosio Lettieri And Bianconi.
14 JUN – The starting point for the reorganization of the discipline of the health professions is the law 43 of February 2006 which tried to regulate in an organic way a sector, that of the health professions, long neglected yet crucial for the NHS both in economic and employment terms . Currently over 800 thousand professionals belong to 9 health professions regulated by registers, orders and colleges (doctors, dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians, nurses, pediatric nurses, obstetrician health assistants and medical radiology health technicians), the other professions, which employ approximately 140 thousand , belong to 17 professions (physiotherapists, prevention technicians, dieticians and so on) not regulated in registers or orders.
In 2006, the legislator tried to deal with this situation, on the one hand by granting the Government the power to establish, with one or more legislative decrees, specific professional orders for each organic area of the health professions; on the other hand, trying to identify specific profiles in which to articulate the health professions.
However, the good intentions remained on paper, so the reorganization of the health professions is still unimplemented. In fact, the delegation provided for by law 43/06 expired in the passage from one legislature to another. In the legislature following the XV, the problem was resolved with the law of 17 October 2007, n. 189, which envisaged a deferment of the original delegation term, but despite everything, no legislative decree was approved.
The reorganization of the health professions is, and remains, crucial. In this start of the legislature I am