Historical Archive

The coordination of the RSU.ISF.Italia assembly to the Medical Organizations

Rome 02.15.2013

Dear you


OO.SS. Doctors


SUBJECT: Renewal of the Chemical/Pharmaceutical CCNL - New duties for Pharmaceutical Representatives - Serious critical elements in relations with the Medical Class.


The recent renewal of the National Collective Labor Agreement for the chemical-pharmaceutical sector radically changes the duties of Pharmaceutical Representatives employed by Pharmaceutical Companies.

A process of modification of the role of the ISFs has already been underway for several years with the aim of assigning them commercial tasks contrary to what is explicitly provided for by current regulations (Legislative Decree 219/06 and various regional regulations) as well as the common sense deriving from the need to contain pharmaceutical expenditure and trivial criteria of professional ethics.

With the ongoing contract renewal, we go much further by explicitly asking the ISFs to “collect and bring back” the "therapeutic choices" of the doctor visited under the pretext that this would be done "with a view to assigning the patient to the best access to care".

After many ISF assemblies, in various company realities, reaffirming the validity of the regulations in force on the subject, have expressed their opposition to this topic, an inter-company and inter-union coordination of the elected ISFs was set up, as RSU, on behalf of all trade unions, in many pharmaceutical companies.

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