THEThe "spy phone" is a common mobile phone or smartphone modified at the software level. It allows remote access to the main information transiting on the mobile phone: audio of calls, text of SMS messages, list of calls, telephone directory, but also ambient sound when the phone is not in use. It can also provide the text of Facebook and WhatsApp chats, GPS location, text of e-mails, websites visited, videos and photos taken with the mobile phone and other data.
The most invasive function is the one that allows the "Spy Phone" to function as a real bug, allowing you to listen not only to the conversations made via the telephone, but also and above all those that take place AROUND it.
THEnfact, while the phone is in standby, or even when it's off, it can still detect (and transmit) sounds and conversations taking place nearby. In practice, thanks to this software, many mobile phones can turn into a "Spy Phone", which allows you to obtain complete control over the person to be monitored. Conversations, movements, SMS messages - a complete surveillance package, all in one program.
These devices can become a dangerous tool, to collect information illegally (until now). A phone reprogramming, replacement, or delivery of a modified phone can give other people access to your phone data and the ability to listen in on all conversations around you from anywhere in the world.
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