The Fedaiisf National Congress will be held on 9 April 2016 at 9.30 at the Hotel Bologna Airport, Via Emilia, located in Via Marco Emilio Lepido 203/14 40132 Bologna – Borgo Panigale. During the meeting the institutional federal offices will be renewed.
-09.30-9.45: Appointment of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary of the Assembly.
-09.45- 10.00 Financial report of the Administrative Manager Angelo Passini, final account of the previous year
-10.15-10.30 Moral, organizational and financial report on the management of the past year, by the Acting President Angelo Baruchello
-11.30-11.45 coffee breaks
-11.45-12.30 Election of the scrutineering panel and election of the President of the Federation and its members.
-12.30-12.45 Appointment of positions among the elected members of the National Executive.
-12.45-13.30 Joint assembly with AIISF
-13.30-14.30 Lunch
-14.30-15.30 Round table: "The Federation and the Association, between the present and the future"
-15.30-15.45 The FEDAIISF site and its new interactive developments
-15.45-16.30 Free space for the presentation of new initiatives. The speakers upon registration,
they will be able to present their own program respecting a time of 10 minutes each.
-16.30-16.45 Conclusion of the work of the National Executive of the Federation.