
On January 20, the 2016-2018 national agreement for general practice was signed

Scotti (Fimmg): the signature in the hope that the change will start. SNAMI: we asked for much more!

Fimmg press release

With the signing of the National Collective Agreement 2016-2018, which took place today, the FIMMG puts an end to a troubled a process that began 10 years ago with the Balduzzi Law, characterized by a long period of ope legis suspension of contractual renewals followed by a substantial negotiating stalemate and finally by the pandemic.

"The FIMMG signs the ACN in the hope that the change will start - declares Silvestro Scotti - and launches the challenge to politics on the will to evolve and update the role of the general practitioner in coordinating and guaranteeing territorial primary care and taking into meeting the social and health needs of citizens. With the signing of the ACN, FIMMG confirms and consolidates the cardinal principles of general medicine: independent practice, fiduciary choice, autonomous organization, and evolves the organizational model through the establishment of the AFT and the transition to the Single Role of Primary Care. The entire compensation pool is safeguarded and the increase in the per capita share already anticipated by the emergency decree of 2020 is consolidated. The prison medicine sector is introduced".

“The 2016-2018 ACN was born from pre-pandemic needs but lays solid foundations to immediately go to the discussion of the new agreements 2019-2021 and 2022-2024. Contrary to the populist and unsustainable positions of some minor unions, the FIMMG is firmly convinced that thanks to new funding aimed at the organization such as those provided for by the latest budget law (article 1 paragraph 274) active from 2022, general medicine can be made modern and effective for citizens and attractive for the new generations of doctors, improving territorial assistance and making the NHS sustainable, fair and universal.

These hoped-for new agreements, which we hope can be discussed in a single negotiation, given the emergency needs, will only in this way allow general practice to address the new needs dictated by the PNRR, without however renouncing the fundamental principles of accessibility, capillarity, fiduciary choice and ability to give answers to the category and citizens. With this signature we want to reiterate a fundamental point: the evolution of General Medicine is done with Collective Agreements and not with any other provision. Only ACNs can relaunch General Medicine for a better future".


Angel Head < An economic bridging agreement and re-discussing the regulatory part were fine for us>

 SNAMI – ROME JANUARY 21, 2022- The agreement signed between Sisac and two trade unions relating to the two-year period 2016/2018 which concerns about 40,000 general practitioners." In the meeting the day before yesterday - he says Angel Head, national president of Snami- I spoke on behalf of our trade union, the second in number of members in Italy for conventional medicine, emphasizing how it was anachronistic discuss today a model of territorial medicine without considering the increased and no longer bearable bureaucratic and health workloads during the covid pandemic.

Essentially "whose prodest" talk about particulars and insubstantial elements while "Rome burns" instead of going to the heart of the problems right away? Hence our proposal to sign a bridge chord to recover a very small economic refreshment and immediately concentrate closely on discussing the regulatory part that takes into account the increases in workloads,there significant shortage of general practitioners throughout the national territory and theeconomic inadequacy of our contract.

To the "someone"That external on the trade press that ours are populist demands of a minor union we answer that you should worry because our requests are the same as those of the doctors' 90% and not of a very small "elite" light years away from medicine practiced in the field every day, comfortably seated on red velvet armchairs. As is the custom of our union - concludes the leader of Snami - I have convened a meeting for the end of the month EXTRAORDINARY NATIONAL CONGRESS to debate with the delegates of the trade union base the difficult moment that territorial medicine is experiencing and the actions to be taken together ”.


Salvatore Cauchi < It's a growing burnout to cancel Family Medicine >

SNAMI - Rome, 17 January 2022. "We will tell our clients that family medicine has now disappeared, that it no longer exists and who is to blame".

Theresaid national press Snami, Salvatore Cauchi, is the mouthpiece of a dissent that continues to mount among general practitioners.

“They keep assigning and imposing on us tasks and duties, even of stupid bureaucracy, which have nothing to do with our professional and intellectual role. The Covid emergency is further overloading our working day for which many have anticipated their retirement and the continuous delegitimization of the profession makes our work less and less attractive for the younger ones.

Despite everything we arethe only real reference that remains for patients in the area for daily healthcare in the office and at home for the entire population, including elderly and non-elderly patients with chronic multiple pathologies and other patients suffering from neoplastic pathologies."

”The Snami says Enough – he concludes Angel Head , national president of Snami  and it doesn't rule out strong positions should institutional responses not arrive due to the discomfort of an entire category, which is now clear and blatant."

Note: at the moment the ACN has been subscribed by the majority trade union Fimmg and by the Cisl Medici. Smi-Simet and CGIL Medici would be oriented towards not signing. SNAMi (see above)

Related news: Agreement Hypothesis

State-Regions Conference. Signed ACN general practice (2016-2018). Fedriga "important innovative aspects", Caparini "basis for new organizational models"


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