On Saturday 6 May 2006 in Pisa, at the Auditorium of the Opera del Duomo, at 9.00 am, the III Regional Congress of SIMG Toscana and the III National Congress of the SIMG Pharmaceutical Area will be held. The following speeches are scheduled for the morning “The clinical governance of the drug or of the patient?” by Dr. Cricelli, "The SIMG Pharmasearch network in Tuscany" by Drs. Del Tacca and Giustizi, "Iatrogenic pathology: social and economic importance and role of pharmacovigilance" by Dr. Caputi. The activities of the SIMG Sections of Tuscany will be presented by Dr. Galli. In the afternoon "Pharmacovigilance: a look into the near future that cannot fail to interest the general practitioner" by Dr. Mugelli, "Pharmacovigilance: a difficult differential diagnosis" by Dr. Venegoni and the round table "Pharmacovigilance of AIFA and pharmacovigilance of SIMG: a constructive comparison and an "efficient" collaboration.
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