Historical Archive

Guide to the new website www.aiisf.it

In the Guide to navigation of the new site www.aiisf.it  you will find the following information:
The analysis of the old site aiisf.it

The analysis of the old site
The analysis of the old site served to discover, through an investigation of the different registers that compose it, what were its strengths and what were its limits, in all the different aspects (communication, planning, technical, etc…).
Furthermore, the guidelines were highlighted so that the communication flow for the new site was more functional, usable and effective for users.

Identity of the old site
The address fully identifies the name of the association: the logo, initials and pay off (indicating the full name of the association) cannot cause any doubts.
This is a very important aspect since, otherwise, the user risks being confused by incorrect communication from the portal issuer.
Even the home page, from the point of view of content, invites the user to explore the issues relating to the profession of scientific drug representative and identifies the final target of the site in the latter.

Structure of the old site and navigation
After the intro, the home page has four macro sections graphically represented by four boxes that contain some in-depth links. If the subdivision of topics is clear and effective, the lack of a menu penalizes the entire structure of the site and consequently its navigation.
In fact, by selecting a link and entering a page, all references to the section to which it belongs are lost, and although there are multiple levels of detail, the only navigation tools are the arrow-shaped button that goes up one navigation level and the Back to main page button that leads to the home page.
It should be noted that these two buttons are placed side by side, so that the writing Back to the main page seems associated with the arrow. Finally, the absence of the menu (both main and contextual), forces the user to go back to the home page to visit other pages.
For these reasons navigation is confused and ineffective; the contents, although clearly visible on the home page, lose their compactness due to the dispersion during navigation.
Availability of information
The first aspect to consider regarding availability

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco