Unions "bewildered" by the decision: "Minister Lorenzin and politics assume their responsibilities, an immediate table is needed". "But the protection of citizens' health from midnight to 8 in the morning is not a matter that the Regions can decide alone with a medical union, albeit more representative in the area of general medicine alone"
"The letter with which the President of the Regions-Health Sector Committee, Massimo Garavaglia, rejected the requests to amend the Guidelines for the renewal of the general medicine agreement by the Ministry of Health arouses bewilderment and concern, in first place for night assistance to citizens, as well as for the same doctors working in the emergency medical service, in the 118 and in the emergency rooms of hospitals”. This is what we read in a note from Smi, Fp Cgil Medici, Cisl Medici, Uil Fpl Medici and Simet. "The only concession of the Regions - they continue - is that in particular situations the individual healthcare company can evaluate the activation of the continuity of care service even beyond 4pm, also increasing the inequality of services, between richer and more poor. Moreover, without even wanting to clearly write it in the address document itself but stating that it will be written in the new article of the agreement, without the negotiation having started. We are left with only promises, meager and largely insufficient".
“It is as if - specify Smi, Fp Cgil Medici, Cisl Medici, Uil Fpl Medici and Simet - various unions, the Ministry of Health, citizens' associations, many Municipalities and the various parliamentarians who have presented questions, have all made a mistake. Instead, the Regions, hand in hand with a single union, undaunted continue to think that in the vast majority of situations night assistance is to be delegated to the 118 and hospital emergency rooms, surpassing the same legislation in force which provides for 24/7. But the protection of citizens' health from midnight to 8 in the morning is not a matter that the Regions can decide on their own a medical union, albeit more representative in the area of general medicine only”.
“The king is naked. Put an end to the ballet of letters and Minister Lorenzin and politics assume their responsibilities. Instead, to continue on the path of the grotesque and national-regional mess, isn't it wiser to reset the Act of address and restart from a system that already largely works? Then open an immediate and rapid discussion table to enhance the continuity of assistance for citizens 24/7, enhance initiative, group and online medicine, focus on the single role declined with full-time, not as set Now. But above all we must avoid confusing the roles and making the emergency and urgency system operate inappropriately, already in trouble and unloading everything on the emergency room, already with few doctors, often even precarious. Then secure the medical posts. Last question: but isn't choosing common sense doing the right thing for good health?” conclude Smi, Fp Cgil Medici, Cisl Medici, Uil Fpl Medici and Simet.
Related news: Supplementary document of the guideline act for affiliated medicine approved on 12 February 2014
Supplementary document of the Act of address for conventional medicine