Turkish pharmaceutical group closes Pernigotti

No future for the historic Pernigotti production plant in Novi Ligure. The new ownership of the confectionery company, the Turkish Toksoz group, after taking over the historic Italian company in 2013, decided to definitively close the factory in Piedmont. It is not yet clear if the brand will continue to live, certainly the production will move entirely to Turkey. The closure of Pernigotti in Novi Ligure will inevitably cause a chain of layoffs. The company currently still has 200 employees, of which 50 are in production and the rest in administration and sales. 100 layoffs have been announced.

Erol Toksöz, farmacista, che opera nel settore farmaceutico da oltre 30 anni, porta l’industria farmaceutica turca verso il futuro con oltre 1200 dipendenti e un moderno impianto di produzione. Nel 1983 fonda Sanovel, un’azienda farmaceutica con un capitale turco al cento per cento. E’ la prima compagnia farmaceutica della Turchia For sales.

The Turkish multinational Toksöz is a family holding, originally pharmaceutical and expanding in the food sector, which also operates in the renewable energy and wine production sector with some quality vineyards located on the border between Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria.

L’intero gruppo opera in tre settori principali: alimentare-dolciario, farmaceutico ed energetico con un fatturato di circa 450 milioni di euro. Attualmente è di proprietà dei fratelli Ahmet e Zafer Toksoz, conta 3.800 dipendenti e ha acquisito la Pernigotti nel 2013.

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