The typology of the work activity of the Pharmaceutical Representatives involves daily attendance at the offices of family doctors, paediatricians, specialists and visits to hospital wards. The value of public service is attributed by the laws in force and therefore frequenting environments where the risk of infection is very high on a daily basis, the trade association FEDERISF, in anticipation of the A/H1N1 flu pandemic, immediately involved the Central Directorate of Health and Social Protection of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region so that the Scientific Representatives of the drug are also involved in the first phase of vaccination.
Prompt and assertive response from the aforementioned Management which, with a note dated 6 October 2009, addressed to the Regional President of FEDERISF, confirmed the availability of vaccination for Pharmaceutical Representatives precisely in consideration of the value and typicality of the activity carried out by them.
With a subsequent note dated 14 October 2009 in order to agree on the organizational and operational methods of vaccination the Prevention Departments present in the six Health Authorities of the Region have been identified and indicated as the points of reference to which the Scientific Representatives of the Drug can turn
FEDERISF Friuli Venezia Giulia October 16, 2009.