No healthcare activity is allowed for the "new" professions regulated by law 3270. Some write that the provision would affect physiotherapists, others say that the law establishes the Orders. It is not so and it never will be. While "our" law has once again failed
21 DEC – Among the many new jobs worthy of being regulated, the – moreover very dignified – profession of the clown is missing. But in Italy you never know. On the other hand, all those related to people's health, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation remain outside this curious provision. A true 'miracle' performed by the Minister of Health.
What protection of health is guaranteed by a government that claims it is unable to establish the Registers of Health Professions, for which the delegation law 43/2006 was even violated, unanimously approved by Parliament, and instead manages, even in the deliberative session and without going through the Chamber (!!!), to regulate the non-regulatory? We recommend that those who are confusing the approved provision in these hours, considering it also inclusive of the establishment of professional orders in the health sector, read the text carefully and do not disseminate free interpretations. Sometimes, political illiteracy is more dangerous than administrative irresponsibility.
So the first consequence of the approval of law 3270, as foreseen by the National Coordination of the health professions, is confusion: some write that the provision would affect physiotherapists, others say that the law establishes the Orders.
It is not so and it never will be. And not by luck, but for the continuous and coherent activity of all Health Professions, art. 1 paragraph 2, specifically amended on 15 November 2012, provides that no healthcare activity can be exercised by members of professional associations that the new law intends to regulate in some way. In the same way, the new law does not offer any possibility of identifying other health professions or auxiliary arts, because what is excluded from the scope of intervention of the new 'professionals' (sic), are precisely the activities related to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, in short, all health care activities which in compliance