Licia Casali – 27 June 2013 – THE XIX CENTURY
Genoa – Doctor Sergio Masi was heard by the joint commission of the Local Health Authority and the Liguria Region, the family doctor accused of prescribing too many drugs, and too expensive, to his patients.
Masi explained his reasons: «The commission has accepted to listen patiently to all my reasons and they find it right that I want to examine the offending recipes, which I have already requested twice with a registered letter to the general management of the ASL. They have given me until 20 September to submit a new report and have assured me that I will have an extension if I still have not received the documents in the meantime. Maybe they hope that in the meantime I retire and get out of the way.' Il Secolo XIX tried to ask the ASL the reasons for the report and the consequent summoning of the family doctor, but the general management has informed us that it prefers not to respond until the analysis of the file has been completed.
Meanwhile the Doctor Masi he doesn't have the slightest intention of prescribing cheaper, and according to him less effective, drugs to his patients: «Just look at this building – he explains pointing to the headquarters of the Regional Health Agency – Look how clean and tidy it is, but if something breaks at San Martino nobody fixes it».