Genoa. Pharmacist arrested, the doctor father commits suicide: "Short-sighted judiciary"

L’inchiesta “PharmaConnection” a Genova ha toccato , oltre i due farmacisti, tre ex dipendenti di un’azienda farmaceutica (estranea alla vicenda) con accuse che vanno dall’associazione per delinquere finalizzata al furto, ricettazione e riciclaggio.

L’uomo, un noto pediatra, si è lanciato dal Ponte Monumentale la scorsa notte: accanto a lui la moglie, che ha esitato e si è salvata

27 aprile 2015 – Genova
Ha scritto su un biglietto “la magistratura miope a volte uccide” e si è suicidato gettandosi dal ponte Monumentale, nel centro di Genova. Protagonista Francesco Menetto, un medico pediatra di 65 anni noto in città che ha deciso di farla finita dopo che il figlio, farmacista, was arrested for a ring of anticancer drugs dalla procura di Monza. Il figlio, Marco Ballario Menetto, 35 anni, era finito agli arresti domiciliari il 2 aprile scorso insieme alla moglie Valentina Drago (entrambi sono titolari della farmacia San Giacomo in via Nino Bixio, nel quartiere di Carignano) insieme a tre ex dipendenti di un’azienda farmaceutica, risultata però estranea alla vicenda.
TOnche la moglie del medico aveva deciso di suicidarsi insieme con il marito ma ha esitato all’ ultimo momento dopo avere visto l’uomo gettarsi ed è stata salvata in extremis dalla polizia arrivata sul ponte dopo l’allarme lanciato da alcuni passanti. La donna è ora ricoverata in ospedale in stato di choc.

L’inchiesta “PharmaConnection” aveva portato  all’arresto di 19 persone (6 in carcere e 13 agli arresti domiciliari), al sequestro di beni mobili, immobili, titoli e conti correnti per 23 milioni e al sequestro di medicinali per circa 3. A Genova ha toccato , oltre i due farmacisti e tre ex dipendenti di un’azienda farmaceutica (estranea alla vicenda) erano  agli arresti domiciliari con accuse che vanno dall’associazione per delinquere finalizzata al furto, ricettazione e riciclaggio

Stolen life-saving drugs, the pharmacist son of the suicidal doctor released from prison

They have it released from prison in order to organize the father's funeral, died suicide, and to assist the mother who also tried to kill herself together with her husband and is now hospitalized. But Marco Menetto Ballario, The Genoese pharmacist thirty-six investigated and arrested by the judiciary of Monza for an alleged trafficking of anticancer drugs of dubious origin together with his wife, Valentina Drago, 34, has harsh words against robes: «Now I'm free, but at what price? I lost my father and I was about to lose my mother too."
An investigation of the Antisophistication Nuclei of Milan of the Arma would have ascertained this trafficking of life-saving drugs stolen and resold abroad. Immediate arrest for Menetto and his wife put then ai home. All in all a little afflictive measure. But that was enough to unleash the tragedy. The pharmacist's father Francesco Menetto, 65 years old, pediatrician very well known, did not hold and decided to commit suicide by jumping off the monumental bridge in the center of Genoa leaving a note with the inscription "The short-sighted judiciary sometimes kills", referring precisely to the investigation of the Monza Public Prosecutor's Office on a trafficking of anticancer drugs which had led to the arrest of his son and involved his daughter-in-law. And also the doctor's wife, mother of Menetto, who was at the time of her suicide with her husband, was intent on killing herself. But, at the last moment, she still hesitated after seeing her husband throw himself and was rescued in extremis by the police. Now she is hospitalized in a state of shock.

Damages for 30 million euros from the trafficking of stolen drugs

«My client – now says the defender, the lawyerUmberto Pruzzo - doesn't feel guilty. The sense of guilt should have others who issue measures in such a hurry ».
The provision that released the pharmacist refers precisely to the "serious family situation", given which, writes the investigating judge of Monza in the order issued, "the measure of house arrest is revoked". The investigating judge, as requested by the lawyers Lina Harmony AndUmberto Pruzzo, has replaced house arrest with the obligation to sign twice a week.
“We were going to today Monza – explained the lawyers – to present the application for release, but unfortunately this tragic event anticipated the times».
«I'm sorry, I'm sorry… – says the saddened chief prosecutor of Monza, Corrado Carnevali – but these things have always happened. We remember Clean hands and the excellent suicides? What should we magistrates do, stop investigating those who commit crimes?».
“I'm sorry for what happened, but we have to come to an agreement. Do we want judges who do their job, who try to do some cleaning up in this country? Or instead free everyone, that everyone does what he wants because if he is discovered or he or someone close to him could make some unfortunate act? – he wonders Carnivals – The work of Nas it was impeccable, I would like to be able to illustrate it to those who perhaps believe what is written on that note is true, that the judiciary is short-sighted. By now it has become the alibi of all those who have some altar to attack the magistrates. The script is always the same: pose as victims of malagiustizia and someone always believes it. These things, unfortunately, happen when there is a lot of money at stake. When we arrive and block the money coming from illegal activities, those who can no longer lead the life they used to attack us".

Pharmacist accused of reselling stolen drugs

Partner of St James Pharmacy away bixio 9, one of the best known of CarignanoMarco Menetto Ballario he was also the legal representative of a wholesale company based in via Sardorella 109, aBolzaneto who, according to the investigators, «purchased drugs of dubious origin, then reselling them to other companies such as Pharmazena, with the collaboration of Dragon».
Accused of crimes ranging fromcriminal association at the recipe, from the recycling to theinternational trade in stolen medicines – some medicines cost too much 10 thousand euros per pack – Marco Menetto Ballario, according to the reconstruction of the investigators of Nas, was part of a structured organization within which there were those who were responsible for commissioning i thefts of very expensive life-saving and anticancer drugsaccording to the needs of parallel and clandestine market, and who, on the other hand, through fake invoices, took care of reselling them on foreign markets, in particular Bulgaria, Montenegro, Poland, Holland And Germany. A turnover that – the investigators led by the commander of the Nas of Milan, Paolo Belgi – , created a total damage of approximately 30 million euros.

Of PAUL LAMI – martedì 28 aprile – Secolo d’Italia

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