Historical Archive

Garattini, benefits by withdrawing 1 drug out of 2


"We could withdraw the drug 50% from the market without causing harm to human health, indeed obtaining benefits". Word of the pharmacologist Silvio Garattini.

The thrust of the director of the Mario Negri Institute in Milan is for the medicines he defines as "false friends". A "very crowded" category, he explained yesterday in Milan during a conference on the elderly organized by the National Observatory on Women's Health (Onda).

"There are many false friends in the world of medicines, just like in life. Especially if you consider that every day the National Health Service spends 42 million euros to buy medicines and to this figure are added another 18-20 million euros spent out of pocket by citizens".

The pharmacologist from Bergamo warns Italians and advises caution in the use of medicines. "An initial screening can be made: if a drug is not dispensed by the Italian National Health Service which is already very generous, and therefore is in category C, it is most likely useless. I would have many suspicions about these products", he concludes.

Lucia Scoppelliti – 04 May 2011 – Pharmakronos

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