France: The pharmaceutical industry announces despidos para preservar sus ganancias
by Kaos. Labor and economy
Tuesday, 25th September 2012 18:01
Inicia una etapa de reestructuraciones, en la que se incluyen cerca de mil despìdos, para resguardar sus utilidades. She is treated like no other than the pharmaceutical chemical corporation Sanofi, one of the "big boys" of the rubro.
PL/ Agencias
The chemical pharmaceutical corporation Sanofi officially announced today that it will carry out 900 jobs in France since 2015, as part of a restructuring process aimed at preserving its utilities.
Although the figure is lower than previously anticipated, between 1,000 and 2,000 500 dollars, the impact will be fuerte because it includes other programs of elimination of empleos, such as those advanced by the PSA Peugeot Citröen car and the Air France line.
De acuerdo con una comunicado de la dirección de Sanofi, uno de los lugares más couppeados será Toulouse, en el sureste galo,