The doctors of Fp-Cgil and Uil Fpl will cross their arms on Friday, together with public service workers, to protest against the Spending review, which "cuts services and reduces staff and the Balduzzi Decree, which contracts labor rights of doctors and veterinarians employed". The protest, the trade union organizations announced, will continue on Saturday 27 October, again in Rome, in the procession which "sees all the medical unions united in defense of the right to treatment and care". "The cuts to health care must be stopped," he said Massimo Co! zza, national secretary Fp Cgil Medici "arrived with Tremonti and Monti at about 22 billion in the three-year period 2012-2014 and the devaluation of professional merit, subject to bad regional party politics". But also "the blockade of turnover must be put to an end", he added Armando Masucci, National Coordinator of the Uil Fpl Medici, "to the compulsory mobility of public doctors from one province to another and the cloying re-proposal of the doctor's pension at 70 must be rejected".
September 27, 2012 - DoctorNews