It is now a constant practice, after the communication that took place in April, for the prescribers to indicate the brand drug in the prescription accompanied by the wording non-replaceable, with the consequence that patients are obliged to pay the difference and the generic market, which so far it has marked, month on month, a growth from 15%, since April it has decreased by 5%. The complaint was made by Giorgio Foresti, president of Assogenerici, who spoke in Rome at a conference on generic drugs. According to Foresti, the so-called liberalization decree «as a driving force for generics, has produced the opposite effect, that is to push the brand and block the equivalent. The legislation was written so badly as to be left open to interpretation and the result is this. I have the feeling that there is talk of wanting to spread the generic but in reality there is no desire because evidently the interests to be defended are too important". Dita also pointed to the fact that the practice of including the non-replaceable wording in prescriptions by prescribers has become constant, also in relation to the indications disseminated by Fimmg.
May 11, 2012 – DoctorNews
Giorgio Foresti