After the 15 days from the date of the vote envisaged by the regulation to allow the influx to the ballots
of Fonchim of expressions of vote, the Electoral Commission met on March 9 and following ed
proceeded to carry out the scrutiny of the votes expressed by the members, received within the deadlines established by the
776 minutes were examined relating to the company seats where 43,076 members attended and the
the direct counting of 5,988 ballots received by post; therefore, 49,064 members took part in the vote.
The election result is as follows:
VOTERS 49,064
Of which valid votes 47,708
FILCTEM-CGIL list 21,171 votes
FEMCA-CISL list 11,488 votes
UILTEC UIL list 7,709 votes
UGL list CHEMICALS 5,218 votes
Autonomous list FIALC-CISAL/FAILC-CONFAIL 2,122 votes
blank ballots 872
void ballots 484
Consequently, the distribution of the 31 seats is as follows:
FILCTEM-CGIL list no. 14 seats
FEMCA-CISL list no. 8 seats
UILTEC UIL list no. 5 seats
CHEMICAL UGL list n. 3 seats
730 minutes were examined relating to the company polling stations where 45,990 members attended and the
proceeded with the direct counting of 7,702 ballots received by mail; have therefore participated in the
vote 53,692 members.
FONCHIM: the minutes of the scrutiny and the announcement of the results:
FASCHIM: the minutes with the results.