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 PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS REVIEW from February 20 to 22 by AboutPhrama

Drugs from artificial teeth
(Nòva 24: page 3, Les Echos online – February 22, 2007)
At Germany's Frauhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering in St. Ingbert, scientists are studying drug-releasing artificial teeth. The scientists' goal is to create a technique that allows the continuous diffusion of medicines. Saliva enters a hole in the dental cavity and, coming into contact with the drug, dissolves part of it.

Fresenius Medical Care: growing net income
(Les Echos online – February 22, 2007)
In 2006, the net income of Fresenius Medical Care, a German company specializing in dialysis products, increased by 18% to 537 million dollars and the turnover increased by 26% to 8.499 billion dollars. For 2007, the company forecasts a profit of between 675 and 695 million dollars and a turnover of approximately 9.4 billion dollars.
"Green light from the Ministry to the Plan against the deficit"
(Il Messaggero Rome: page 37 – 22 February 2007)
It seems that the Ministry of Health has given its approval to the health part of the Lazio Health Deficit Recovery Plan. In fact, positive signals seem to be coming from the Ministry and AIFA, even if not yet official, with respect to the Region's proposal which plans to recover the 131 million euros to 'cover' the overrun in pharmaceutical spending through greater recourse to the direct distribution of more expensive medicines and at the reference price for medicines that protect the stomach.
“Hope for 'orphan' diseases”
(Nòva 24: page 4 – 22 February 2007)
An example of 'open source' is the Tropical Disease Initiative (TDI, www.tropicaldisease.org), a sort of 'laboratory site' where chemists and biologists can enter and share their knowledge on tropical pathologies. The promoters of TDI believe that 'the commercial and patent system of the West means that the pharmaceutical sector has no interest in developing treatments for these diseases'. In fact, the costs of developing drugs could not be quickly recovered. TDI's approach envisages the use of 'virtual pharmas', non-profit pharmaceutical companies supported by foundations and 'charities' who take on the task of producing the drug, which would be contracted out on the basis of the lowest cost. In this way the final price would be much reduced, as it is devoid of any claim to exclusivity and patent.
Capital increase for Genfit
(Les Echos online – February 21, 2007)
Genfit, a French company specializing in biotechnology listed on the Stock Exchange since December, expects to carry out a capital increase from 30 to 40 million euros in the autumn.

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