Amedeo Bianco, president of the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), tries, with these words, to shed light on the 'mystery' of the text on abortion, assisted fertilization, the morning after pill, the Ru486 abortion pill and assistance to very pre-term births that have ended up in the spotlight in these hours. After the note from the presidents of the Lombard medical orders - according to which the only document voted on by the Fnomceo national council did not concern ethical issues, but political ones, since the ethical issues were the subject of a technical report not submitted to a vote - Bianco explains: "The ethical text was launched and approved by our Deontological Commission, then discussed in depth in the Council, without any particular findings emerging from anyone. The minutes prove it", he says. "The final document submitted to the vote was in fact a political document - reports the number one of Fnomceo to Adnkronos salute - Then there were a whole series of other texts including one, namely the final document drawn up and shared by a restricted working group established within the Fnomceo, and formed by personalities belonging to the Order of Doctors, who at the time had drawn up the rules of our code of ethics". This commission, continues Bianco, "was asked to define the application guidelines of the deontological code on the 'hottest' ethical issues in Italy at this time. The result was therefore the ethical document of Saturday. Which "by definition, according to deontological issues, could not be voted on because it was referred to the provincial Orders. But which was discussed in depth", the president reiterates.
The ethical document – repeated Bianco – was the subject of a timely report to the last Fnomceo National Council. Each of the presidents had a folder containing, among other texts, this document". And after the discussion, "I communicated to the members of the Council my intention to make certain points of the text available to the public for debate". Hence the press release released on Saturday, "which specified in black and white that 'we are discussing this document', and not that 'we voted for this document'". Lombardi, signed among others also by the president of Fnomceo Lombardia and president of the Order of Como, Giuseppe Conti - Bianco assures: "We did not want to implement any 'coup', and we certainly did not disseminate any false documents". For our part - continues Bianco - there was no intention of passing that document off as an expression of a unique thought of the whole medical world".
However, the leader of Fnomceo does not rest: "I don't understand where the scandal lies. The practice of voluntary termination of pregnancy is contained in our code of ethics", admitted "within the scope of law 194. And if the medical code refers to this legislation, how can we not consider it valid and to be applied in all its parts?". Ditto for Ru486: "It will soon arrive in Italy. Should we ignore it or work to ensure that it is used in compliance with 194?" asks Bianco. He concludes: "Our task is increasingly difficult. We have to keep doctors with different points of view together, and for this reason I will never stop comparing myself with everyone". Catholics included. Source "DoctorNews".