"We express our full solidarity with the scientific informant of the drug who was subjected to a brutal attack by a patient last Friday as he left a doctor's surgery in the province of Bari".
Thus the president of the National Federation of Medical Orders, Filippo Rings, intervenes to comment on the umpteenth episode of violence in the health sector, which took place on Friday morning in Castellana Grotte (BA). The victim is, this time, a scientific informant of the drug: after an altercation with a patient who claimed, obtaining it, priority in access to the medical office, he found the same patient outside waiting for him, who caused him a head trauma and various injuries for a 20-day prognosis. Only the intervention of the doctor put an end to the attacker's blind fury. The fact was denounced by the president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Representatives Associations (Fedaiisf), Antonio Mazzarella.
"These episodes of violence - continues Anelli - are the symptom of a debasement of everything that revolves around the doctor and medicine and the result of the climate of suspicion for which scientific informants are seen as emissaries of the drug industries if not as corruptors" .
"Our support goes to the victim, but also to all his colleagues - he concludes - and the recognition of the work, as precious as it is difficult, they carry out in updating doctors on drugs, especially innovative ones, in the interest of patients ”.
I personally thank Dr. Anelli for this statement. The growing violence, even towards doctors, is the symptom of a rampant distrust towards Healthcare, and more generally towards the institutions and that part of politics which increasingly deals mainly, if not exclusively, of the economic side of our Health Service.
Add to this that the media for years have given prominence, guilty and deliberately, only to cases of malfeasancecertainly condemnable but less numerous, without ever mentioning the close professional collaboration between doctors and scientific representatives, which translates into the protection of the patient's right to care.
My hope is that fruitful cooperation can be started between us whistleblowers and the medical profession to bring the National Health Service back to its real reason for existence: the health of the citizen.
Antonio Mazzarella
President Fedaisf
Related news: Brutal assault in a clinic at an ISF in Castellana Grotte (BA)
HANDLE. Scientific informant attacked by a patient in the Bari area
ADNkronos. Scientific informant attacked by a patient