The dialogue between the National Federation of Doctors' Orders (Fnomceo) and Farmindustria on the measures adopted by the industrialists who, since January 1st, have cut investments in medical conferences will start again shortly, as early as next week. From the beginning of the year, in fact, companies will not bear the travel and hospitality expenses for doctors, on the occasion of congresses and scientific conferences, in response to the cuts for the sector contained in the Finance Law. “Next week – he specified White at Adnkronos Salute - I will call the president of Farmindustria, Sergio Dompé, to restart the discourse on training”. The last meeting between Bianco and Dompé dates back to the beginning of December, but – on that occasion – only the Finance Law was on the agenda. The agenda of the next appointment, however, will discuss the merits of the CME and the cuts in investments. “On the subject – admits Bianco – there is some concern. But in any case the training machine will not stop. There may be undoubted difficulties, linked to the 'withdrawal' of important resources, but not a stop. There can only be 'paralysis' if a system is set up in which the professionals do not recognize themselves. And if the focus is on a bureaucratic structure”. With Farmindustria, on the other hand, the president of Italian doctors is determined "to face the relationship between the profession and the drug industry in an absolutely positive way - he explains -. Relationships must be positive because modern medicine needs tools, medicines and technology. Collaboration is vital”. However, it is necessary to share some fundamental principles. In particular, the “respect for duties and functions. This means respecting each other's autonomy, without encroaching on the field”. For Bianco “the important role that the pharmaceutical and biotech industry has in innovations in the pharmacological and technological fields – continues Bianco – must not translate into a form of subordination of professionals to the needs of the industry itself. This is a guarantee for everyone, especially for the fundamental protagonist who is the citizen. Only in this way can we be sure that the professional prescribes a drug for its effectiveness and not for the strength of the promotional message or for the economic return". In short, the relationship between industry and professionals must not be based on “moralisms – concludes Bianco – but on morality: modern ethics of responsibility, appropriate use of resources, ethics of autonomy. I believe that, from this point of view, the industry too has to gain from a clear relationship. In fact, companies cannot live without investing and without modernizing cultures. We are counting on the possibility of emerging well from this somewhat gray phase, perhaps with new ideas, attitudes and behaviours”. From Doctronews 09-01-07