"Great concern" for the blocking of sponsorships of medical conferences decided by the Farmindustria council, "because the CME system, already in a situation of very deep crisis, will certainly receive a fatal blow". To express it is Claudio Cricelli, vice president of the Federation of Italian medical-scientific societies (Fism) and president of the Italian Society of General Medicine (Simg). Cricelli reports to Adnkronos salute that he is the president of the association of drug manufacturers Sergio Dompè "However, he sent a fax in which he expresses his willingness to meet with us and to discuss this decision in a concerted manner". “I will participate in the meeting requested by Dompè – says the doctor – with an extremely proactive spirit. I will elaborate alternative proposals to try to resolve these great difficulties. Even if it is difficult at the moment to understand which choices could be preferred for a 'cut' of costs in the sector. I am concerned about the moment of extraordinary confusion and involution that the Ecm system is experiencing, yet I am aware of the difficulties that also affect the other players. On the one hand, then - Cricelli concludes - I think that doctors cannot be exploited; on the other, I consider the value of the contributions of pharmaceutical companies as a social and not an economic value, to be safeguarded. I hope that the situation can be rebalanced as soon as possible". From Doctornews 02-11-06
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