
Florence, dinner at the Academy for big names in pharmaceuticals. With Renzi

The premier spoke briefly at the event Florence 20 May 2016

Firenze, cena all'Accademia per i big della farmaceutica. Con RenziSurprisingly Renzi arrives. Dinner at the Galleria dell'Accademia for the CEO and CEO of the major international pharmaceutical companies tonight, with whom Prime Minister Matteo Renzi also briefly chatted in Florence.

The access road to the Gallery, which houses Michelangelo's David, was blocked to guarantee safety and Renzi, who arrived at the adjacent Piazza San Marco at around 20:30, left the museum after about an hour.

The top managers participated today in the Tuscan capital in a meeting organized in a hotel by the Dolder foundation, which brought together the top management of the large companies in the sector and which, according to what has been learned, was also attended by the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin

Related news: Florence: improper use of cultural heritage (private dinners in the 16th century hall and in the museums). Rain of criticism from citizens' committees

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Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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