The main points of the 2008 Budget, which concern medicines, tend to minimize waste and pay more attention to prescriptions.
In particular: – for the first time, the ASL, RSA (Health Care Residences) or non-profit organizations will be able to reuse medicines that are still valid, intact and correctly stored, not used by the patient ( deceased or who has abandoned the therapy) to which they were intended. – There is a ban on prescribing medicinal products not registered in Italy (or registered but with a different therapeutic indication) if at least the favorable data deriving from phase II clinical trials are not available. – It is also established that the efficacy of a drug can be requested by pharmaceutical companies for investments relating to production sites located on the national territory, preclinical research projects and phase 1-2 clinical trials (again with regard to part of the investment relating to Italy). Each company can present projects pertaining to one or more of these areas, and within each area can present one or more projects; each project will then be evaluated individually. The evaluation will be carried out by an ad hoc commission appointed by the AIFA Board of Directors. Ministerial Decree of May 8, 2007 (Official Gazette No. 254 of October 31, 2007); Call for Program Agreements (www. agenziafarmaco.it) which is not registered, for the purposes of its inclusion in the special list which allows it to be prescribed by the NHS when there is no valid therapeutic alternative among the drugs regularly on the market, must be subject to a specific evaluation by AIFA. Finance Law 2008 – Official Gazette no. 300 of 28 December 2007 - Suppl. Ordinary no. 285 Program Agreements: deadline for submitting applications set for March Thirty-first March, 3 pm: the deadline for submitting applications to access the incentives provided for by the Program Agreements expires. Applications must be submitted electronically; by accessing the AIFA website and proceeding with registration, you will receive the password to access the data collection forms to be filled in and submitted online. I NCF of 02/05/2008 N. 2 MARCH 2008 p. 24