Historical Archive

Fimmg and federations on generics

– Yes to a discussion on problems related to the use of equivalent medicines. Giacomo Milillo, national secretary of Fimmg (Italian federation of general practitioners) and Roberto Messina, president of FederAnziani (federation of associations of the elderly), welcome the proposal of the president of AssoGenerici, Enrique Hausermann, to sit around a table to discuss and resolve once and for all the problems associated with the use of equivalent medicines, which comes after the dissemination of data on the increase in sales of 'non-branded' products, following the rule which obliges the indication of the active ingredient in the prescription.

May 31, 2013 – PharmaKronos

Boom of generics: all the comments from Institutions and the Pharma universe
Boom of generics 7 months after the mandatory active ingredient in prescriptions: here are the statements of the players in the Health and Pharma sector
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