Fimmg. Widespread organizational protocols for general practitioners' surgeries

FIMMG: widespread organizational protocols for general practitioners' surgeries.

Scotti: Role and responsibility combined with organizational autonomy impose procedures for the protection of patients, practice staff and the doctors themselves.

Fimmg – 09/05/2020

Un vademecum a disposizione dei medici di famiglia per garantire la sicurezza nei loro studi nell’era del coronovavirus. Una serie di protocolli operativi a cui attenersi scrupolosamente per gestire al meglio la Fase 2. E’ il contenuto del documento “Protocollo per gli Ambulatori Medici per la gestione post-emergenza Covid-19” messo a point from the FIMMG for Italian general practitioners.

All’interno una serie di misure organizzative strumentali ad assicurare la massima sicurezza gestionale degli studi di medicina generale. Indicazioni generali che i medici potranno poi adattare alla situazione reale e concreta dei singoli studi.

"With this document, the activity of indicating to colleagues on the procedures for their protection and that of patients continues - underlines the national secretary of FIMMG Silvestro Scotti - who since the beginning of the pandemic, with the proposal for an evaluation form for telephone triage and most recently in recent weeks with the document on the territorial management by the GPs of suspected or confirmed cases of Covid 19 also sent to the attention of the Minister, the FIMMG has elaborated and made available.

General practice considers its role and responsibility, strong precisely of its organizational autonomy, that in the absence of specific information and guidelines, that of proposing procedures on its own specific model welfare. It would be enough to remember how, from the first moment of the emergency, he assumed the role and responsibility of developing and fine-tuning tools for doctors, organizational protocols and procedures that are useful, indeed necessary for the management of the emergency in the area". Scotti reiterated that "general medicine is an active and proactive part of the NHS, it is already part of the system".

“Non si diventa parte del sistema attraverso la contrattualità – ha sottolineato riferendosi alla proposta di chi li vuole “portare all’interno del sistema” – ma attraverso la responsabilità professionale, il ruolo e i compiti che dalla convenzione derivano, non serve altro che saper usare lo strumento convenzionale a livello nazionale, regionale e aziendale, come si sta rendendo evidente su molte iniziative di eccellenza anche su emergenza Covid-19 partite proprio dalla medicina generale e presenti proprio nei territori più colpiti”.

The six-page document contains protocols for secretarial staff, for the management of patients, suspicious cases and emergency situations, but also sanitation and disinfection procedures. Lastly, space for Personal Protective Equipment and Medical Devices.

Download the document


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