One must remain incredulous when reading the themes of the conference organized by Filctem for November 23rd in Rome. Unbelief is obviously in a good way. However, we wonder where the unions were in the last two years.
We had been proposing the same themes that will be proposed in Rome for years. Who, we ask, signed the CCNL for chemists with agreements on the figure of the ISF which not only did not improve those of the previous contract, but made it worse and, incredible to say, things were agreed that were pejorative of the existing law, against and outside the law, such as placing newly hired ISFs under the sale? Whoever signed that contract certainly served Farmindustria's interests, but betrayed the ISF (not even when asked) and just as certainly damaged the union to which it belongs, which has lost credibility and trust. It is hoped that whoever signed up for that opprobrium will be ousted from all trade union activity, could do further damage (perhaps he will find a job at Farmindustria).
So, better late than never, as they say, although for the more than 10,000 FSIs who have lost their jobs, or been sold as a fictitious business unit, it's too late. Let the unions know that they think the Enasarco contract is a threat, which has already been in operation for some time. The president of Farmindustria, in his company, has all the ISF at Enasarco! The pressures on the "commercial" ISF are enormous and the union has so far done nothing to oppose them, indeed, it suggested that it endorsed them. Let the union know that at the government level it will not find any support, not even understanding, from the minister of labour, whose wife is the general manager of Farmindustria.
The conference organized in Rome shows a sign of attention from the union before all is lost, which gives us hope. We'll see the facts.
[the editorial team]