Born in Villa San Pietro, in the province of Cagliari, on 26 June 1950. Master's degree. Professional teacher and educator. Inail employee. Cisl trade unionist. President of USL 20 of Cagliari from 1982 to 1985. Former national director of the DC, regional secretary of DL–La Margherita in 2007. In the Federal Direction of the Democratic Party. Mayor of Villa San Pietro from 1975 to 1995, Councilor of the Comunità Montana 23 of Capoterra from 1976 to 1980, Regional Councilor from 1984 to 2006. Regional Councilor for Hygiene and Health and Social Assistance from 1995 to 1999. From 1999 to 2004 parent company of Ppi and then of Margherita. Vice-President of the Regional Council from 2004 to 2006. Secretary of the Productive Activities Commission. Elected in the XXVI District of Sardinia.
Fadda said (February 25, 2011): “Liberalize all band C”
03 MAY – This is what the new Undersecretary for Health, at the time a Democratic Party deputy and member of the Chamber's Productive Activities, Commerce and Tourism Commission, hoped for in February 2011, in one of his agendas, not accepted by the Government, and presented in occasion of the examination of the "milleproroghe".
Here is the text:
Agenda 9/4086/214 presented by PAOLO FADDA text of Friday 25 February 2011, session no. 440
The Chamber, provided that:
paragraph 36 of article 2 of the decree-law in question intervenes on the text of article 11, paragraph 6, second sentence of decree-law 78 of 2010, from which it eliminates the reference to the provisions of article 48, paragraph 32 of the decree -law 269 of 2003, specifying that the National Health Service retains as a further discount, with respect to what is already provided for by current legislation, a quota equal to 1