Federfarma, applause to NAS from Italian pharmacies
"Counterfeiting of medicines and doping are widespread scourges worldwide, but in our country, thanks to the professionalism and preparation of the Carabinieri's Anti-Sophistication Units - underlines Racca in a note - enormous strides have been made in the fight aimed at eradicating these phenomena".
Health: Federfarma applauds Nas from pharmacies for his precious commitment
29 November 2012 – 4.35 pm
(ASCA) - Rome, Nov 29 - "The Carabinieri Command of the NAS led by General Cosimo Piccinno, awarded today with the Gold Medal of Merit for Public Health, is applauded by Italian pharmacies for their precious commitment to defending citizens' health". This was stated by the president of Federfarma Annarosa Racca, on the occasion of the ceremony for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the NAS, which took place today in Rome.
"Counterfeiting of medicines and doping - adds Federfarma - are widespread scourges worldwide, but in our country, thanks to the professionalism and preparation of the Anti-Sophistication Units of the Carabinieri, enormous strides have been made in the fight to eradicate these phenomena. Pharmacies also make their own concrete contribution to the fight against counterfeiting by collaborating with the health institutions responsible for controls and raising awareness of the risks associated with the purchase of counterfeit medicines, which is rampant online. Drugs sold in pharmacies, on the other hand, are always safe because they come from a chain that is controlled at all stages of production and distribution".
"The 18,000 Italian pharmacies - concludes Racca - networked with each other and interconnected with public health institutions to ensure maximum control and immediate withdrawal of any product that should prove dangerous to health - offer citizens all the guarantees, professionalism and competence necessary to purchase medicines in absolute safety".